Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Senior Recital-Week 2

This week we started actually working on material.  I am sincerely enjoying having a whole hour for my lessons this semester.  I was really excited when we started to work on our warmups because the Eh-Ah-Oh and moving the mouth and noticing the tongue placement and actually having it click right away was AMAZING!  I also really loved digging back into Va! laisse couler me larme.  It is amazing how many little things that we really didn't get time to cover last semester.  I am praying that it goes over well at NATS.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping up with your posts....I am really enjoying you this semester in lessons. We have had some major breakthroughs. Sometimes when I feel like a good teacher, it is because of all the growth you specifically have made over the past three years (and now a couple of months). You are going to knock em dead at NATS!
