This week we worked really hard on Nimmersatte. Let's just say that I absolutely adore this song. I think that it is really going to work well with my other Wolf piece. I think I love this song because it is so romantic, but it is still really going to allow me to stretch my wings vocally and also with my technique. I also think that the springboard and apple in front of the mouth concepts are REALLY helping me a lot. Something that frustrated me was that when I sang it in studio that my old habits snuck back in because I was focusing more on words. That really bothers me because I thought that I was more sound in my techniques. Darn my tongue and jaw. Oh well, back to the practice room.
Speaking of practice rooms...I was working on looking at my self in the mirror. For one, it's kind of entertaining, but exactly what Dr. Hepworth says it is. It is so helpful. I have been working on trying to convey all of the emotion that needs to be a part of my aria. I am trying to take all of the sorrow and anguish that I have felt in times of trail and tribulations and put it all in my song. It is still a work in progress, but they are coming along.
AWESOME reflection about the mirror. I swear, people don't believe me until they try it for themselves! I know I realized the severity of mistakes only when I began to observe myself in a mirror. Actually, it is exactly what F. Matthaias Alexander based his research and study off of...the Alexander Technique. He found many mistakes in his stance and technique which led him to "un-learn" (that is what he called it) many bad habits. Check him out at:
Hooray! Perfect teachable moment!